End of year 22-23! 17/07/2023
Another academic year completed for both Norton College Tewkesbury and Worcester! We wish the best of luck
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Offering an excellent bespoke, academic and vocational personalised curriculum in Tewkesbury
A bespoke learning environment providing excellent academic and vocational facilities in Worcestershire
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Home » News & Events » Norton College The COVID-19 Months
The past few months have been challenging for all educational settings, when the Government guidance back in March asked everyone to stay at home where possible, Senior Leadership Teams around the country were faced with the huge task of adapting provision to meet the needs of students who were no longer able to attend on-site provision. Norton College, Worcester used the on-line learning platform SAM Learning, to set and monitor students’ work, tutors set up face to face meetings via Microsoft Teams to ensure that they were still able to keep in touch with their students and a programme of regular safe and well checks was established. As soon as possible, and as lockdown guidance eased, the Senior Leadership Team created policies and risk assessments to enable students to once again safely access on site provision.
With all of our third party providers closed due to lock down restrictions, the team at Norton, Worcester came up with creative ways of engaging students during these unprecedented times, through a variety of on-site projects. Under the guidance of the Art tutor, students used spray paints to create some vibrant Graffiti Art around the college site. The Gym has also received some new signage!
The music room has received a makeover; not only can students make their own music; they can seek inspiration from some of the music world’s iconic musicians whose images now adorn the walls. Students have projected these images on to blank walls and then used spray paints to create this fabulous wall art.
The college allotment has also received its fair share of attention during recent months. Situated a short walk away from the college, the allotment was looking tired and neglected after the winter storms. The wind had destroyed the poly tunnel and the raised beds were looking somewhat overgrown.
Staff and students have spent many hours, digging over the raised beds, conditioning the soil and planting a variety of fruit, vegetables and herbs. Students had a great time working together, coming up with ideas for planting and sourcing plants. The transformation has been amazing and we have already picked our first crop of courgettes.
The work will continue in the Autumn Term, as we create an outdoor learning space where students can acquire new skills, enjoy planting and picking their own fruit, vegetables and herbs and then use our own produce to create their own meals in college.
The past few months have presented many challenges, however, we are delighted with the resilience shown by all the students at Norton College, Worcester, how they have adapted to new ways of working and continued to engage with learning. We are really proud of the enthusiasm shown to complete the on-site projects and look forward to welcoming all of our students back on site in September.
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