We are extremely proud to share with you the highlights of our most recent Ofsted inspection for Norton College Worcester 2022 where the College was described as:
‘Norton College gives pupils another chance to succeed in education after having negative experiences previously’.
This is an immense achievement as it confirms the effectiveness of our philosophy and gives us the opportunity for continued improvement on behalf of the students.
The following are some of the very positive comments about Norton College Worcester, taken from the Ofsted report :
- Staff try various approaches to re-engage pupils in learning. They get to know pupils’ needs and what interests and motivates them. Staff use this information to develop the curriculum offer. Pupils also work towards a core of essential knowledge and skills in English and mathematics. Staff tailor the curriculum delivery to pupils’ individual needs.
- Pupils’ personal development, particularly developing their character, is at the heart of everything the school does. Staff build up pupils’ confidence and resilience through carefully considered programmes.
- They ensure that pupils’ social skills are developed well.
- Pupils behave well in lessons and at social times and respect staff. Bullying is rare. When some pupils find situations challenging, staff are skilful in supporting pupils to manage their emotions and anxieties.
- The pupils spoken to say they feel safe. Many are much happier at this school than they were in previous settings.
Full Report
The full report can be accessed by following this link: