End of year 22-23! 17/07/2023
Another academic year completed for both Norton College Tewkesbury and Worcester! We wish the best of luck
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Offering an excellent bespoke, academic and vocational personalised curriculum in Tewkesbury
A bespoke learning environment providing excellent academic and vocational facilities in Worcestershire
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Home » News & Events » Fresh start down at the allotment 01.10.2022
The new academic year has brought with it a fresh start for the college allotment.
A new member of staff has joined the college allotment this academic year. He’s been tasked to get some fresh faces involved at the allotment. So far, it’s been a huge success and the allotment is looking great!
Students are responsible for creating areas to relax and take care of the land. As you can see from the photos, much work has been done so far.
The next project is to create a block-paved path, which students will learn how to do with guidance from the staff.
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